Sunday, November 9, 2008

Top Ten Symptoms of Obama Withdrawal

The Onion did a hilarious take on the crushing depression of Obama supporters who have nothing to do now that the Obama campaign for president has been won.
As a public service, Mullico Musings wants to help the millions of Obama volunteers make it through this difficult transition back to their normal lives with this handy 10-point guide. Mental health professionals always say the first step on the road to recovery is realizing you have a problem. With that in mind:
Top Ten Symptoms Of Obama Withdrawal:

10. No matter where you intend to go in your car, you end up at your local Obama office.
9. You urgently warn everyone you know that the midterms are only 103 weeks away.
8. You start a phone bank to promote the Corgi as First Puppy. *
7. Someone asks, "Could you send this invoice to accounting?" and you say, "Yes We Can!"
6. You have children, not for German engineering, but to name them Barack, Michelle, Malia and Sasha.
5. Obama wins by 364-174 electoral votes and you beat yourself up: "Dammit, I could have done MORE!"
4. Someone asks, "Could you pass the salt?" and you say, "Yes We Can!"
3. You skip work to watch SNL election skits online.
2. You only now realize just how dirty your home is.
And the Number One Sign You’re Suffering Obama Withdrawal:
1. You’re wearing your Obama buttons in the shower.
(From the Home Office in Santa Clara, Calif., By Robert Mullins)

1 comment:

Tara Sims said...

LOL - I like number 2!!!