Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Chelsea ineligible for third term as First Daughter

Chelsea Clinton would be ineligible under the 25th Amendment to serve a third term as First Daughter if her mother, Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY), is elected president, constitutional scholars say.
Ms. Clinton served as First Daughter from 1993 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton, thus serving the maximum two terms allowed under the 25th Amendment, said William Wainwright, professor of Constitutional Law at Harvard University. Her parents would be eligible to return to the White House if Sen. Clinton is elected in November as they would be serving different roles than in the first Clinton administration, Wainwright explained. Hillary would be president instead of First Lady and Bill would be First Gentleman, "or something like that."
But as for Chelsea, "Sorry, but she's out," said Rupert Heffernan, dean of the Stanford University School of Constitutional Studies. "The 25th Amendment was designed to prevent someone from holding an office too long and amassing too much power. I hope she's not too disappointed."
Ineligibility for First Daughter would deprive Ms. Clinton of the many perks associated with the office, including free housing, use of a Secret Service driver and availability of the White House for "awesome" parties.
Reached on the campaign trail with her parents, Ms. Clinton immediately suspended licking envelopes and other campaign activities.
"This sucks," Ms. Clinton reportedly told the candidate. "Mom, how about a cabinet post?"