Monday, July 27, 2009

What GOP Congress members should say to "birthers" at their next town hall meeting

I know I posted last week that the media should stop doing stories on the "birthers," those wingnuts who insist that Pres. Obama is not an American, but they wouldn't listen to me.
Today, Politico posted a story about the dilemna the "birthers" movement (such as it is) poses for Republican Congress members who don't believe what the birthers claim but don't want to see a video of them getting heckled posted on You Tube. Here's the comment I wrote when the story was reposted on Huffington Post:

What Congressmen should say to birther hecklers at their next town hall meeting:

"While I respect your right of free speech and recognize the passion with which you hold your beliefs on this issue, there is considerable and unequivocal evidence that President Barack Obama is an American citizen."

(Boos, hisses, name calling)

"While you feel strongly to the contrary, you are, with all due respect, deluding yourself on this issue because you cling to your belief that the president is not an American citizen despite all evidence to the contrary."

(More heckling, flag-waving, "He"s a Kenyan!")

"There are many important issues we face in this country on which I as your Republican Congressman/woman disagree with President Obama -- increased federal spending, higher taxes and the dangers of government-run health care -- but our party will not have credibility to debate the president on these matters if we remain distracted by a completely discredited conspiracy theory about his citizenship."

(Tomatoes, eggs, chairs thrown)

"I will work passionately for you on these issues of the economy, jobs and lower taxes because these are the issues that are most critical to you, the people of my district. But on the issue of the president"s citizenship, please understand this: Barack Obama is the President of the United States. Deal with it."

[If none of this works, use this closer:]

"Shut the f**k up! You"re idiots!"

[Exit, rapidly, stage right]

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