Sunday, November 18, 2007

Welcome to Mullico Musings

I'm unemployed for the second time in as many years in Silicon Valley. The latest because the print/online publication for which I was employed was itself a victim of arithmetic. It's print advertising revenue was declining faster than its online ad revenue was rising. "And so it goes," as Linda Ellerbee would say.
A long time friend of mine who took pity on me by picking up the dinner tab the other night said I should create a blog.
"You should create a blog," is how she put it.
So here it goes. Between sending out resumes, writing freelance articles, combing job sites and collecting cans in my shopping cart, I intend to provide all of you who care to visit my perspective on the technology industry, life in Silicon Valley, the media, a little bit of politics and all that observational humor that makes people like Jay leno and Jerry Seinfeld millionaires.
My ambitions are modest. I only want to be a thousandaire.

Throughout my journalism career, anytime an editor would cut a big chunk of copy out of one of my stories I would say, "I'm going to put that in my memoir." So I may dump some of that in here, unless upon second glance I decide, "Wow, that was stupid. No wonder he took it out."

I may also use this blog to sound off at whim on news of the day with some outrageously uniformed remark, then regret it after receiving tons of hate e-mail and threats of violence. I will then delete the posting and deny it ever existed.

A lot of the postings on this blog will be stream-of-conciousness thinking...writing whatever comes to mind and having it travel unimpeded from my brain to my fingers to the keyboard to you. Of course, stream-of-conciousness sometimes includes thoughts while sleeping so if a posting should concern my erotic adventures with (insert name of hotty-tabloid-starlet-of-the-moment-in-or-out-of-jail here), take it with a grain of salt.

So why do I call it Mullico Musings? Well, my name is Robert Mullins and I'm one of nine children. My siblings have enjoyed rewarding careers in a variety of areas: health care, technology, legal services, publishing, plumbing supplies, hospitality and, of course, journalism, and I thought our family would make a nice giant, multi-vertical conglomerate. Y'know, the kind that would get huge no-bid, maybe even no work, but certainly no-oversight contracts in Iraq. The name Mullico's stuck with me all this time. (Memo to myself: trademark the name Mullico).

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